Open letter to censorship
OPEN LETTER TO CENSORSHIP Lately I've been reading more and more that writers, actors, singers, and any celebrity shouldn't have an opinion over anything that's not what they do for a living and if they do they're being harassed over social media and told that they should shut their mouths and mind their own business (write/act/sing/etc). This, beyond being rude, seems terribly ridiculous to me. Why's that? Well, as a start, we're all citizens with rights and that some of tho se citizens are famous for their jobs doesn't end their right to freely express their opinions and act towards their ideals or beliefs. We all have that right, it's called freedom of expression and it's been a while since it was entitled to everyone and not just a few. We don't get to decide who can speak and what they can speak about. If what they're saying, for whatever reason, makes you uncomfortable, just skip it, maybe read something else in that moment and com...